A new symbol for Autism
I’ve been working on this for a little while. A symbol for autism. The puzzle piece sucks and a lot of us have rejected it for a long time. The rainbow infinity symbol is for all neurodivergent people, not specifically autistic folks. This is what I’ve come up with (with some great input from autistic …
Pride Knot Frames
Don’t Repost Art That Isn’t Yours
I’m going to try an explain why this issue is important to me because people don’t seem to get it. Imagine my social media is like having a gallery. I have my art in the window to show people what’s inside. The gallery is free entry but once inside people can see more of my …
New Neurodiversity Pins
About DoodleBeth
Dr Pins
Opening Doors
Most wheelchairs only just fit through standard doors and so often, well meaning people who open doors for wheelchair users actually make it more difficult because they get in the way. Please ask if someone needs help and if they do, please make sure to stand out of the way if you value your toes …